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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Survey

The Municipality of Chester is committed to providing quality services and programs to all, not just some. We believe in and support equity, diversity, inclusion, and dignity and will work towards eliminating barriers where we can, both within our organization and in our communities. Through this survey, we hope to hear your feedback on where these barriers exist, your ideas on how we can help our communities become more welcoming and inclusive, and your thoughts on where more attention is needed.

We will also use the information collected from this survey when we review our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan for the upcoming year. Please take as long as you need to complete and skip any questions you do not feel comfortable answering. This survey is confidential, and information will be reported in such a way that individuals, individual situations, or personal information cannot be identified and dealt with in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP). If you have any questions, email our Privacy Officer at

0% answered

I feel accepted in the Municipality of Chester.
I feel accepted with my friends.
I feel accepted in my neighbourhood.
I feel accepted at work.
I feel accepted at school.
I believe that my workplace is free from discrimination.
I believe that my school is free from discrimination.
I believe that places of employment in the Municipality of Chester are free from discrimination.
I believe that employers in the Municipality of Chester do a good job of attracting people of diverse backgrounds.
I believe that the elected officials in the Municipality of Chester reflect the communities I identify with.

I have experienced discrimination on the basis of: (Select all that apply)


I have witnessed discrimination on the basis of: (Select all that apply)












What do you see as the main barriers that prevent you or others you know from considering running as a candidate in the municipal election? Please select all that apply.