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Upcoming Poll

The Municipality is conducting a poll of people who own property within the Village boundary. This poll is an opportunity for property owners to express their will in terms of a proposed central water supply. Council will consider the results during their discussions on whether to proceed or not proceed with the project.

Advanced polling starts at 9:00am on Jauary 18 and ends at 7:00pm on January 24. This is when you can cast your vote online or via telephone. Poll Day is on January 26 from 8:00am to 7:00pm. Cast a paper ballot in person at the Municipal Office, 151 King Street in Chester.

This is a non-binding poll, not a plebiscite. A poll allows all property owners in the Village boundary to vote, whereas a plebiscite restricts voting to those whose PRIMARY residence is within the boundary. Non-binding means that the results re not legally binding.

There is one ballot per Property Identification number (PID), not per property owner. Ballots are secret, and Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) can only be used once. You should have received a PIN in your mail by now, but if you haven't, please contact Pam Myra at

The Village will be sectioned into divisions (Zones A to E) that will be used as a guideline for project phasing. Phasing will be necessary to secure project funding from the Provincial and Federal governments if the project proceeds. You can view the online map at
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Consultation has concluded
