EDI Advisory Committee Action Plan
How do we, a municipal government, bridge gaps within our organization and our communities to make sure that all of our staff, residents, visitors, and businesses are being served with dignity and equity?
- We can address inequalities, biases, discrimination, and barriers within our own workplace.
- We can respond to community’s needs through fair policy.
- We can provide programs and services that are all inclusive.
- We can build partnerships and relationships with groups outside of our organization so we can all succeed.
To begin this work, Council appointed members to an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Advisory Committee in January of 2022. This Committee meets once a month and includes representation from the community and Council with support from staff.
The EDI Committee developed an Action Plan, adopted by Council, that is a list of actions we can start working on right away and over the next year or so. We will add, replace, and reprioritize often, and we are asking our communities to forward their questions or suggestions. The Action Plan is in the Resource Library section of this website.