Copies of Final Draft Available in Each Council District

Copies of the Final Draft of the new planning documents are now available in each Council District. These copies are available to borrow at no cost to take home and review. We ask that you use the sign-up sheet and return the copies when you are finished.

Copies are available at the following locations as of Friday October 25, 2019:

District 1: The Deck

District 2: Aspotogan Heritage Trust

District 3: Chester Municipal Office, Annex Building (186 Central Street)

District 4: Petro Canada, Chester Basin

District 5: Richardson's Garage

District 6: New Ross Family Resource Centre

District 7: Bonny Lea Farm

Copies will also be left with the South Shore Mobile Library (as of Wednesday October 30th).

You may also download a copy of the documents from the Voices & Choices document library, or purchase your own copy from the Community Development Department for $10.00.

For further information or questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 902-275-2599.

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Consultation has concluded
