reVISION Municipal Plan Review - Fall 2019 Update
After a bit of a hiatus during the summer with focus on several other large planning projects, staff have now completed the Final Draft of the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law. The next step in the process is to bring the Final Draft to the Citizen's Planning Advisory Committee for consideration and to receive a recommendation that Council adopt the new documents.
This meeting of the Citizen's Planning Advisory Committee is scheduled for Monday October 7th beginning at 6:30pm. The meeting is being held in Municipal Council Chambers (151 King St) and is open to the public to attend.
If CPAC is satisfied with the new documents and provides a positive recommendation, the documents will then be presented to Council to receive 1st reading and set a date for a Public Hearing. Once a date has been determined, this information will be posted here as well as copies of the Final Draft documents for review and comments.
Comments and submissions are welcome at any time up to and during the approval process. Comments or questions can be submitted via this site, by emailing or via the Municipal Facebook page (
For further information or questions, please contact the Community Development Department at 902-275-2599.
Consultation has concluded