Phase 3 "Scope Expansion - Chester" (Chester Grant)
Project Overview: Develop Nova Scotia / Bell Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Chester' (Chester Grant component) - wired network service to Chester Grant, Millet Lake, Larder Lake, and area.
Lead: Bell, with investment from Develop Nova Scotia’s Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative program.
Scope: High speed internet access for 145 properties. Fibre service area maps for the project area available at the Documents tab on this page or on the Develop Nova Scotia website here (look for 'Scope Expansion - Chester/Chester Grant' project): link)
Status: Project announced in January 2021. Estimated project completion date: July-September 2022
Notes: As of October 20, 2021, Bell notes that this project is priority 52 of 140 projects in Nova Scotia.