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The Municipality of Chester is reviewing existing regulations for short-term rentals (STRs) within the Municipality and we are inviting you to participate in the process of developing a new licensing by-law.
A new STR License will provide an opportunity to clean up existing regulations and provide consistency throughout the Municipality regardless of where your property is located and for how long you have been offering STRs. Licensing will also provide a clear understanding of the impact of STRs on our tourism sector to assist with planning and decision-making as we work together to develop and grow the tourism industry inContinue reading
The Municipality of Chester is reviewing existing regulations for short-term rentals (STRs) within the Municipality and we are inviting you to participate in the process of developing a new licensing by-law.
A new STR License will provide an opportunity to clean up existing regulations and provide consistency throughout the Municipality regardless of where your property is located and for how long you have been offering STRs. Licensing will also provide a clear understanding of the impact of STRs on our tourism sector to assist with planning and decision-making as we work together to develop and grow the tourism industry in our communities.
Details on our progress will be shared on this page so check back often for engagement opportunities, updates, documentation, timelines, and more.