Village LUB & SPS - DRAFT #2 Now Available!
Following public meetings in Summer 2023, and discussion with Council in October, direction was provided to staff to make changes based on public input and feedback. This work in now complete and Draft #2 of the Chester Village Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law are now available.
A summary of changes from Draft #1:
- Reverted minimum lot area in R1 (ER) Zone to 40,000 sq. ft. (no change from existing), but maintained new maximum footprint and Gross Floor Area requirements;
- Removed height exemption for solar panels (panels are permitted but must comply with maximum building height);
- Maintained primary residence requirement for Short Term Rentals in Residential Zones. Added language to confirm no "grandfathering" or existing status will be granted to existing Short Term Rentals;
- Removed Corner Vision Triangle requirements for intersections (received good support but determined to be outside of Municipal jurisdiction as vast majority of roads are Provincially owned and maintained);
- Retaining walls 2m or more in height now require a development permit. When deemed necessary the Development Officer may now call for submission of geotechnical report to confirm the work will not create or worsen erosion/hazard;
- In Outer Area, commercial agriculture, which could include keeping farm animals, is now regulated by Development Agreement;
- Shipping containers that are fully clad in appropriate siding and roofing materials shall be viewed as any other structure in the zone;
- Expanded Storm water Standard to apply to developments of 3 or more dwelling units, all commercial and industrial developments, with exception for very small additions;
- Architectural Control Changes:
- added minimum roof pitch of 2:12 for multi-unit residential and commercial buildings;
- Vinyl siding prohibited on buildings with footprint over 140 m2;
- Vinyl siding limited to 25% of public façade for buildings with footprint less than 140 m2;
- Prohibited use of metal siding, concrete block, unfinished concrete, and stone veneer (faux stone);
- added maximum height for accessory structures of 6 m;
- Accessory structures larger than 20 m2 must comply with Architectural Controls;
- Added provision to prohibit dirt, stone, gravel or other aggregate as being used to replace traditional landscaping and lawn areas;
- LUB Map Changes:
- Reverted several properties along Highway 3 from R4 to HC, based on submission from Luke MacDonald representing owners of the land;
- Reverted PID 60093572 from R4 to HC at Owner's request;
- Small Municipal parcel adjacent Tancook Wharf rezoned to Parks and Open Space;
- Rezoned two areas from R1 to R2, based on changes to R1 zone to maintain large existing lot size, these lots did not it the criteria of R1 and would have been limited in development potential while under R1. Areas include: Brunswick-Victoria/Regent-Union Streets and Pig Loop-Harbour Vie Lane/Nauss Point - Municipal Sewer Plant.
Draft #2 will be presented to Council on Thursday February 29, 2024. At the meeting a discussion will occur to determine the extent of the final round of public engagement, which will include at minimum one public meeting in March. This page will be updated once the final public engagement schedule has been confirmed.
Copies of the updated documents are now available in the Document Library or by following the links below:
Draft #2 of the Chester Village Land Use By-law
Draft #2 Land Use By-law Maps (Zoning)
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