Rural Internet

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Internet Projects in the Municipality of Chester

Build Nova Scotia (formerly Develop Nova Scotia), in partnership with Internet Service Providers (ISPs), led investment throughout Nova Scotia to provide residents, businesses, and organizations with access to high speed internet service. The objective was to provide as close to 100% of Nova Scotian homes & businesses with access to CRTC minimum standards for internet speeds of 50 Mbps download/10 Mbps upload for wired connections, and 25 Mbps download/5Mbps upload for wireless connections with a demonstrated plan to reach 50 Mbps.

This project is now concluded.

Build NS invested in the design and construction of several high speed internet service area network projects with ISPs throughout the Municipality of the District of Chester. Details about these projects are included in the Internet Project Summaries tab below.

If your property still has limited or no access to minimum CRTC high speed internet standards, please contact Build Nova Scotia directly at the following:

General website:
Internet for NS Initiative project page:

General email:
Satellite Internet Rebate Program email:



  • Bell- DNS Phase 1 Project ‘New Ross’
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 1 project - wired network service throughout New Ross
    Status: COMPLETED in November 2020

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Blandford"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project - wired network service in and around Northwest Cove, Southwest Cove, Aspotogan, Bayswater, Upper Blandford, Blandford, and New Harbour
    Status: COMPLETED in January 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Chester Surround"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project - wired network service in and around Aaldersville area, Seffernville area, New Russell area, and the Canaan area
    Status: COMPLETED in December 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Wil-Dor Park" (part of the "Lunenburg North" project)
    Project scope: Bell//Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project in MODL, with network service including Wil-Dor Park area in MOC
    Status: COMPLETED in July 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Chester" [Schnare's Cove component]
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Chester' (Schnare's Cove component) - wired network service from Deep Cove to East River Point.
    Status: COMPLETED in July 2021

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Chester" [Chester Grant component]
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Chester' (Chester Grant component) - wired network service to Chester Grant, Millet Lake, Larder Lake, and area.
    Status: COMPLETED in December 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Hubbards Area"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Hubbards Area' - wired network service to Fox Point Lake, Mill Lake, and area.
    Status: COMPLETED in February 2023

  • Bell-DNS New Scope Expansion Project "Various Communities"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia New Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses throughout Nova Scotia, including the following communities in our Municipality: Aldersville, Chester Grant, East Chester, and Martins Point.
    Status: The civic addresses included in these communities are expansions to original phase 2 or phase 3 projects and will be completed at the same time as those original project areas. (See the 'Internet Project Summaries' tab below for details about the 50 civic addresses included in this scope expansion project.)

  • Eastlink-DNS Scope Expansion - Borgels Point
    Project scope: Eastlink/Develop Nova Scotia Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses in Borgles Point.
    Status: Estimated project completion date: December 2024

  • Eastlink-DNS Scope Expansion - The Lodge
    Project scope: Eastlink/Develop Nova Scotia Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses in The Lodge.
    Status: COMPLETED in September 2024

  • DNS Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program
    Project scope: Develop Nova Scotia Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program - satellite internet service, currently through Starlink only, for civic addresses throughout the Municipality of Chester with no other planned internet service solution OR homes and businesses that currently don’t have access to high-speed internet. This includes those in a current project area, not yet complete.. Note: this is a rebate program provided by Develop NS to cover the one-time costs for eligible homes and businesses to set-up satellite internet, including hardware, taxes, shipping and installation, up to a maximum of $1,000.
    Status: Ongoing
    For more information: Email: | Phone: 1-800-298-2854 | Website:

Internet Projects in the Municipality of Chester

Build Nova Scotia (formerly Develop Nova Scotia), in partnership with Internet Service Providers (ISPs), led investment throughout Nova Scotia to provide residents, businesses, and organizations with access to high speed internet service. The objective was to provide as close to 100% of Nova Scotian homes & businesses with access to CRTC minimum standards for internet speeds of 50 Mbps download/10 Mbps upload for wired connections, and 25 Mbps download/5Mbps upload for wireless connections with a demonstrated plan to reach 50 Mbps.

This project is now concluded.

Build NS invested in the design and construction of several high speed internet service area network projects with ISPs throughout the Municipality of the District of Chester. Details about these projects are included in the Internet Project Summaries tab below.

If your property still has limited or no access to minimum CRTC high speed internet standards, please contact Build Nova Scotia directly at the following:

General website:
Internet for NS Initiative project page:

General email:
Satellite Internet Rebate Program email:



  • Bell- DNS Phase 1 Project ‘New Ross’
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 1 project - wired network service throughout New Ross
    Status: COMPLETED in November 2020

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Blandford"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project - wired network service in and around Northwest Cove, Southwest Cove, Aspotogan, Bayswater, Upper Blandford, Blandford, and New Harbour
    Status: COMPLETED in January 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Chester Surround"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project - wired network service in and around Aaldersville area, Seffernville area, New Russell area, and the Canaan area
    Status: COMPLETED in December 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 2 Project "Wil-Dor Park" (part of the "Lunenburg North" project)
    Project scope: Bell//Develop Nova Scotia Phase 2 project in MODL, with network service including Wil-Dor Park area in MOC
    Status: COMPLETED in July 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Chester" [Schnare's Cove component]
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Chester' (Schnare's Cove component) - wired network service from Deep Cove to East River Point.
    Status: COMPLETED in July 2021

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Chester" [Chester Grant component]
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Chester' (Chester Grant component) - wired network service to Chester Grant, Millet Lake, Larder Lake, and area.
    Status: COMPLETED in December 2022

  • Bell-DNS Phase 3 Project "Scope Expansion - Hubbards Area"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion project 'Hubbards Area' - wired network service to Fox Point Lake, Mill Lake, and area.
    Status: COMPLETED in February 2023

  • Bell-DNS New Scope Expansion Project "Various Communities"
    Project scope: Bell/Develop Nova Scotia New Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses throughout Nova Scotia, including the following communities in our Municipality: Aldersville, Chester Grant, East Chester, and Martins Point.
    Status: The civic addresses included in these communities are expansions to original phase 2 or phase 3 projects and will be completed at the same time as those original project areas. (See the 'Internet Project Summaries' tab below for details about the 50 civic addresses included in this scope expansion project.)

  • Eastlink-DNS Scope Expansion - Borgels Point
    Project scope: Eastlink/Develop Nova Scotia Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses in Borgles Point.
    Status: Estimated project completion date: December 2024

  • Eastlink-DNS Scope Expansion - The Lodge
    Project scope: Eastlink/Develop Nova Scotia Scope Expansion Project - wired network service to additional civic addresses in The Lodge.
    Status: COMPLETED in September 2024

  • DNS Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program
    Project scope: Develop Nova Scotia Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program - satellite internet service, currently through Starlink only, for civic addresses throughout the Municipality of Chester with no other planned internet service solution OR homes and businesses that currently don’t have access to high-speed internet. This includes those in a current project area, not yet complete.. Note: this is a rebate program provided by Develop NS to cover the one-time costs for eligible homes and businesses to set-up satellite internet, including hardware, taxes, shipping and installation, up to a maximum of $1,000.
    Status: Ongoing
    For more information: Email: | Phone: 1-800-298-2854 | Website:
  • Bell / Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects

    Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects on Facebook Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects on Twitter Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects on Linkedin Email Bell / Develop Nova Scotia Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects link

    On January 25, Develop Nova Scotia (DNS) announced Phase 3 Scope Expansion Projects, as well as confirmation that a Phase 2 project, which is being built from our neighbouring municipality, will provide service to residents in the Municipality of the District of Chester. Those projects are as follows:

    • Bell-DNS Phase 3 - Chester Grant Area Scope Expansion Project (including Millet Lake, Larder Lake, and a stretch of Highway 14)
    • Bell-DNS Phase 3 - Deep Cove to Spruce Point Area Scope Expansion Project (what DNS describes as Schnares Cove)
    • Bell-DNS Phase 3 - Hubbards North Area Scope Expansion Project (including Dauphinees Mill Lake)
    • Bell-DNS Phase 3 - Hubbards South Area Scope Expansion Project (including Fox Point Lake)
    • Bell-DNS Phase 2 - Wildor Park - Lunenburg North Project

    Maps of the service areas for these projects are included in the Documents tab on this page. Details about timing for these projects has not yet been announced by Bell.

  • Bell / Develop Nova Scotia New Ross Project Complete

    Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia New Ross Project Complete on Facebook Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia New Ross Project Complete on Twitter Share Bell / Develop Nova Scotia New Ross Project Complete on Linkedin Email Bell / Develop Nova Scotia New Ross Project Complete link

    As of November 18, 2020, the four Fibre Serving Areas (FSA) that make up the New Ross project have been completed, although Bell indicated there remains three NS Power work orders to complete which may affect some civic addresses. Updated civic address files to accompany the FSA maps have been uploaded in the documents section of the Rural Internet project page, as follows:

    • FSA 101 Lake Ramsay
    • FSA 102 Forties
    • FSA 201 Mill Road and Leville
    • FSA 202 New Russell Road

    Residents with addresses listed in those FSA civic address files are encouraged to contact Bell at 1-888-341-2927 or to check availability at

  • Now Available! Develop Nova Scotia Webinar

    Share Now Available! Develop Nova Scotia Webinar on Facebook Share Now Available! Develop Nova Scotia Webinar on Twitter Share Now Available! Develop Nova Scotia Webinar on Linkedin Email Now Available! Develop Nova Scotia Webinar link

    For those who were unable to attend the live session on October 16, a recording and accompanying presentation document of the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative webinar are now available on the Develop Nova Scotia website here:

    The session features an update from Develop Nova Scotia on the work done so far in investing in high speed internet infrastructure in our province, as well as a discussion of what's next and a question and answer session.

  • New Ross Project Update

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    For the wired-to-the-home network build, Bell created four (4) Fibre Serving Areas (FSAs). Three of these four FSAs have been completed or partially completed, amounting to a total of 422 civic addresses in New Ross that are now ready for service orders with Bell. The documents section of this Rural Internet Page includes the four FSA maps Bell created, along with civic address files for three of those areas:

    • FSA 101 Lake Ramsay -- 119 civic addresses still to be added
    • FSA 102 Forties -- complete
    • FSA 202 New Russell Road -- 52 civic addresses still to be added
    • FSA Mill Road and Leville -- 'make ready' work still in progress

    Residents are encouraged to consult the civic address lists provided here. Addresses included in these lists are now in Bell's 'service qualification system', which means residents at those addresses can contact Bell today to update their service. Contact Bell at 1-888-341-2927 or at for more information.

  • Develop Nova Scotia Webinar - October 16, 2020

    Share Develop Nova Scotia Webinar - October 16, 2020 on Facebook Share Develop Nova Scotia Webinar - October 16, 2020 on Twitter Share Develop Nova Scotia Webinar - October 16, 2020 on Linkedin Email Develop Nova Scotia Webinar - October 16, 2020 link
    supporting image

    South Shore | Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative

    Join Develop Nova Scotia to hear more about the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative, with information on the Initiative's recently announced phase. Develop NS staff will be on hand to present the update and then respond to your questions.

    Residents throughout the South Shore region are welcome to join this information session live on October 16 at 1pm, either online or via phone. Details on how to register are available here:

    Residents who are unable to join the session live can still participate. A recording of the session, along with the PowerPoint presentation, will be available on the Develop NS website after the session is complete at In addition, questions can be submitted before the session to either or via phone at 1-833-422-6591.

Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024, 04:22 PM